Jane Fonda

Celebrities and Showbiz

Jane Fonda ready to ‘kick some more ass’ on climate crisis

June 23, 2023 BY:  Andrew Marszal
Celebrities and Showbiz

Jane Fonda warns oceans are ‘dying’ amid UN treaty talks

February 21, 2023
Celebrities and Showbiz

Actress Jane Fonda says her cancer in remission

December 17, 2022
Celebrities and Showbiz

Jane Fonda not really bothered being ‘closer to death’ at 84

April 25, 2022 BY:  Anne Pasajol
Awards and Festivals

A familiar question at Cannes: Where are the women?

July 04, 2021
Awards and Festivals

Jane Fonda to get lifetime award at Golden Globes

January 27, 2021
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