sex abuse

Celebrities and Showbiz

Filmmakers Benoit Jacquot, Jacques Doillon detained over sex abuse claims

July 02, 2024 BY:  Guillaume Daudin
Celebrities and Showbiz

Japan boyband agency mired in sex abuse scandal to rebrand, compensate victims

October 03, 2023 BY:  Tomohiro Osaki
Celebrities and Showbiz

Former teen idol Kauan Okamoto alleges sex abuse by late Japan music mogul Kitagawa

April 12, 2023 BY:  Tomohiro Osaki
Celebrities and Showbiz

R.Kelly charged with paying bribe before marriage to Aaliyah

December 06, 2019
Celebrities and Showbiz

Actor Hosea Chanchez alleges abuse by college ex-official

September 07, 2019
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