Gretchen Barretto questioned for sharing good deeds, tells netizen to ‘find peace and positivity’
Image: Instagram/@juansarte
What began as acts of kindness on Easter Sunday has now turned into weeks of charitable donations for Gretchen Barretto.
The socialite-actress, along with daughter Dominique Cojuangco and her close friends, has been granting strangers’ urgent needs ranging from chemotherapy medicine to children’s tuition.
Barretto has actively posted their fulfilled wishes including those granted by Cojuangco, who promised to grant 23 wishes in celebration of her 23rd birthday.
Image: Instagram/@gretchenbarretto
Image: Instagram/@gretchenbarretto
Image: Instagram/@gretchenbarretto
Despite the good intentions, some were still skeptical of daily announcements that Barretto makes.
One @hazeldmnq wondered, “Why need to post and announce the world in giving help (sic)? To look you are kind or mabait (good)?”
La Greta gave a straightforward response: “First of all, I never tried to make myself look mabait or kind simply because I am not accountable to you nor to anyone. This all happened on Instagram when my followers were asking for a souvenir from me, a bag, a watch or pearls so I announced I will grant wishes that’s of more importance.”
“Instead of judging me, look deep into your heart and find peace and positivity amidst this chaotic world,” she advised.
“This is my way of keeping in touch with the real world, communicating with my followers and their situation keep me human.”
She also wished the netizen well: “May your heart be filled with overflowing joy that you are in a much better state then (sic) they are.”
“Keep on being happy and making others happy,” actress Rita Avila lauded. “That was a very good reply.”
Former beauty queen Gloria Diaz also gave her support: “What counts is the good you do!”
Barretto, unfazed by the skeptical comment, has continued to update her Instagram with donations. As she said in the caption of her post featuring her response, “I choose to continue what I believe feels good and what feels right.”
She is also set to grant more wishes in an Instagram Live session on May 6. /ra
Real-life fairy godmothers: Gretchen Barretto, daughter Dominique grant wishes of strangers in need
WATCH: Gretchen Barretto horses around with daughter Dominique