Diana sets a good example
LINDA ZAMORA, office employee: “Diana Zubiri is one example of a celebrity who values finishing a college course, no matter how long it takes. Other stars can learn something from Diana: Being a college graduate will come in handy once they decide to opt for another career outside show biz.”
Other views:
Glen Catalan, student: “Last week’s ‘X Factor’ results night was another shocker for me. Joanne Da and Allen Sta. Maria, two of the better singers in the show, were the bottom two, with the former eventually being booted out. With the more talented finalists being sent home one after another, I dread witnessing a less talented finalist emerging as the winner. This is what I hate about winners being judged by text votes.”
Marichu Albano, housewife: “Yes, there’s still hope for the Philippine movie industry with films like ‘Bwakaw’ and ‘I Do Bidoo Bidoo.’ ‘Bwakaw’ is endearing not only because of the adorable dog in the title role but because of Eddie Garcia’s very touching yet controlled performance.”
“‘I Do Bidoo Bidoo,’ on the other hand, is well-acted by a carefully chosen cast. Truly, Apo’s music is timeless. Chris Martinez should be commended for coming up with a movie that is enjoyable and technically well-crafted. My only quibble is the poor quality of the sound system when I watched it with my family.”
Niceto Perez, televiewer: “As a Bisaya from Cebu, I find it discomforting to listen to news readers on prime-time TV news mispronouncing the name of the hero dog, Kabang. The stress is on the second syllable, not on the first. By the way, kabang is a Cebuano term for spot, patch, dot or stripe.”
E-mail baisandy@yahoo.com