Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela pursues career in porn, erotica dancing

FEATURED Actress Kate Capshaw and and daughter Mikaela George Spielberg.

Actress Kate Capshaw (center) and daughters Mikaela George Spielberg (left) and Destry Allyn Spielberg (Image: AFP/Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for EIF)

The adopted daughter of award-winning film director Steven Spielberg, Mikaela, revealed that she is pursuing a career as an adult entertainer.

The 23-year-old Mikaela Spielberg has already started producing solo porn movies and expressed her desire to get a job as a dancer in a strip club, according to The Sun’s exclusive report last Wednesday, Feb. 19. She also announced her chosen stage name, “Sugar Star,” and her attempt to obtain her sex worker license in Tennessee, United States. 

Mikaela’s parents, Steven and retired actress Kate Capshaw, were apparently supportive of their daughter’s new career. She reportedly broke the news to them via FaceTime last weekend where they appeared “intrigued” but “not upset.”

Spielberg’s daughter shared that she has a huge love and respect for her parents and admitted that she was nervous about breaking the news to them.

“My safety has always been a number one priority for them,” she was quoted as saying. ”I’m doing this, not out of an urge to hurt anybody or be spiteful about it, I’m doing this because I want to honor my body in a way that’s lucrative.”

The 23-year-old also expressed her desire to be financially independent from her Hollywood parents and described herself as a “sexual creature.”

“I got really tired of not being able to capitalize on my body and frankly, I got really tired of being told to hate my body,” she told The Sun.  “And I also just got tired of working day to day in a way that wasn’t satisfying my soul.”

She said that the work she would do in the adult entertainment industry would be able to make her “‘satisfy’ other people” in a way that also makes her feel good and not make her “feel violated.”

Mikaela emphasized that her move to porn was a “positive [and] empowering choice” and that there should be no shame in having “a fascination with this industry and wanting to do something that is safe, sane, consensual.”

The aspiring porn star was also confident that once her career takes off, it would ease her parent’s worries and make them think to themselves that, “Wow, we actually raised a really self-assured, young lady,” she told the news outlet.

Mikaela is currently living in Nashville, Tennessee, and is engaged to the 47-year-old professional darts player Chuck Pankow.

The film director’s daughter also said she draws the line at having sex with another person on camera because she feels like it would be “a violation of my boundaries and relationship with my significant other.”

After sending her application for a Tennessee sex worker license, Mikaela also took down a series of her self-produced videos on PornHub to wait until her license is approved. According to Mikaela, she is keen on making everything “legitimate and above board.”

After struggling with her body image and having an eating disorder, Mikaela expressed that showing off her naturally large breasts had been a huge confidence booster. She also shared her plans on producing more solo erotic videos that highlight her curves. Cha Lino /ra


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