Joross weighs in on the ‘KathDen’ experiment
Joross Gamboa
The first team-up of Kathryn Bernardo and Alden Richards in Star Cinema’s “Hello, Love, Goodbye,” which opens on July 31, is quite a brave move. At the height of the “AlDub” phenomenon, who would have thought that Alden could be paired with another actress aside from Maine Mendoza?
The film’s title could very well be “Hello Kath, Goodbye Yaya Dub.” And considering how popular the KathNiel tandem is, pairing Kath with Alden is throwing caution to the wind. That’s thinking out of the box to generate satisfying box-office returns.
Joross Gamboa is part of the cast. He lets us in on the KathDen “experiment.” For a change, it’s not about the love team, but the story. Less fluff, more substance, as they say.
Here’s my chat with Joross:
What did you discover about Kath and Alden? Kath is makulit in a cute way. Alden is a real gentleman. Both have matured in terms of acting. They proved that there is unity in diversity.
What was the shoot like off-cam? Direk Cathy Garcia-Molina did not allow Kath to bond with us off-cam, so she could fully internalize her role as a lonely OFW (overseas Filipino worker). But I could not bear seeing her sad, so I would talk to her secretly (laughs).
Alden Richards and Kathryn Bernardo in “Hello, Love, Goodbye”
How did Kath and Alden break the ice? Actually, there was no ice to break. They made each other feel at ease right away. Perhaps their first scene together served as the icebreaker. It was always good vibes on the set.
What makes their first team-up work? Both of them are good actors, so they are able to make the story hit the audience where it matters.
What did you learn about OFWs while shooting? There’s nothing easy about being an OFW. It’s the ultimate sacrifice. As much as possible, it’s better to stay with your family. All the hard-earned money cannot buy back the time that OFWs did not spend with their respective families.
What’s the latest about your kids? Jayce and John are getting “makulit” each day. They’re partners in crime. Team-up sila sa kalokohan (laughs). Watch out for our vlog, The Gamboa Channel, on YouTube.
How do you stay away from temptations in show biz? I avoid “dangerous” situations and pray a lot. I look at it this way… I already know that this glass of water will kill me, so I should not take a sip or even hold the glass at all.
What makes your marriage with Katz work? We’ve been married for five years. We keep God at the center of our marriage. Marriage is a lifestyle. It is not just a contract, it’s a covenant with God.
What’s more important to you, awards or box-office success? It’s a case-to-case basis. We cannot please everyone. Before I accept an offer, I ask myself first, what’s the purpose of making this movie? Is it meant to entertain or tell a good story? There are movies made that are award-worthy, while some films have box-office appeal.