Rose McGowan ‘not ashamed’ about abortion
Rose McGowan spoke up on getting an abortion, saying it was a decision she does not regret.
Image: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP
The “Charmed” actress tweeted support for a post by UltraViolet Action, a US organization that advocates policies for women.
UltraViolet’s tweet last Saturday, March 2, said that one in four women has had an abortion by 45 years old. “Abortion is common, normal, and safe, but anti-choice politicians want you to believe otherwise in hopes of ending safe, legal abortion access.”
McGowan retweeted the post on the same day and wrote, “I have had an abortion and I support this message. I am not ashamed, nor should you be. That 60% of those who choose to have abortions are already mothers says a lot—they understand more than anyone.”
She added, “I was on birth control and it failed. I realized I could not bring a child into my world and simultaneously change the world. I do not regret my decision and it was not made lightly. If you do not want an abortion, don’t get one. My body, my choice, my life.”
She encouraged others to talk about their abortion experience with the hashtag #HonestAbortion.
Women who have used the hashtag shared stories about choosing to abort a pregnancy after they were raped or because they did not feel ready to be a parent.
“I was 16, I was raped, I had an abortion, took me many many years to be ok with it. I’m 34 and I still hurt from it. I don’t regret the decision I made but it still will always affect me,” wrote Tiffiny (@TLA21485).
“I was 21. BC had failed. Hubby (b/f @ the time) and I had just moved into 1 bedroom apt after 2 yrs together. Realized there was no way to afford a child at that point in our lives. At 28 I had my amazing son,” said Leslie Wrenn (@iamjacksmama).
It is legal to get an abortion in the US across all 50 states. Some states, however, are more restrictive with their laws on reproductive health and abortion clinics; five states have only one clinic each, as per Business Insider in 2017. Studies show that without safe and legal means to abortion, women are more likely to self-terminate, which leads to more abortion-related deaths. /ra
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