LOOK: Michelle Madrigal flaunts toned abs, achieving post-baby body goal
Image: Instagram/@mitch_madrigal
Michelle Madrigal has achieved her goal: gaining her abs back after having daughter Anika.
The actress showed off her toned body, and shared her journey toward reacquiring them in an Instagram post Wednesday.
“The progress is real!” Madrigal expressed, comparing her figure with that from a year ago. “Now, this didn’t happen overnight…. 1 year of consistently training from weight loss to gaining muscle mass.”
Was she always motivated to move? “Heck NO!!!!,” she answered, adding that her goal to get the pre-baby body back was wanting “to feel great and look good in bikinis and crop tops.”
“On a serious note, I had a GOAL of getting back into my pre baby weight,” she said. “[A]nd once I hit that, I set a new one and that is to build muscle mass around my legs, glutes & back. I knew how I WANTED to feel about my body.”
Madrigal shared how she was able to do it, saying, “[Y]ou’ll have to do something you’ve never done before.”
“I used to do cardio, boot camp with ‘lightweights’ because I was afraid to ‘bulk up,'” Madrigal admitted, adding she credits partner Troy Woolfolk for helping her “get out of that mindset.”
“I know people are all about setting goals this time of year but how will you show up for yourself 6 months from now?” she asked her followers. “Let me help you change your lifestyle… I PROMISE your body will thank you for it.” /ra
LOOK: Michelle Madrigal, fiancé welcome lovely baby girl
Michelle Madrigal shows self-love for post-baby body: ‘I’m a work in progress’