‘Fitspiration’ Aubrey Miles shares her do’s and don’ts for pregnant women

Image: Instagram/@milesaubrey

Being a “fitspiration” did not happen overnight for pregnant beauty Aubrey Miles. To help out soon-to-be-mothers, she enumerated her do’s and don’ts in maintaining a physically fit body while ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

Miles took to Instagram yesterday, Oct. 16 to make it clear that despite what people think, she gained weight during her pregnancy and will still gain weight, considering she still has two more month before her due date.

“That’s a good thing when you’re pregnant,” she explained. “Healthy gaining is advisable especially for the baby.”

A good chunk of her do’s and don’ts focuses on diet. She only eats brown rice and is absolutely in love with steamed fish and vegetables. Sashimi is a big no for Miles as she is firm on not eating raw food until she gives birth.

She revealed it has been six years since she stopped eating pork. While Filipinos prefer a variety of “sawsawan” (dipping sauces) to go together with their food, she claimed she shies away from said sauces.

Miles prefers fruits over chips for her snacks. If ever she is craving for sweets, she consumes guyabano (soursop) or Fuji apples. If, on the other hand, she is craving for something salty, plain popcorn is her best friend.

Water is a must for her — she always carries a water tumbler. She doesn’t drink artificial drinks and stays away from caffeine, although she admitted she recently started drinking a decaffeinated cappuccino. She noted that she prefers eating at home, doing her best not to eat out or stay out long to avoid eating unhealthy food.

Her diet is also accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. She sleeps and wakes up early. She tries her best to work out at least three times a week. When it comes to relaxation, she prefers listening to music and reading books more than watching television.

To ensure her baby’s well-being, Miles drinks all of her prenatal supplements. She also uses herbal, paraben-free shampoo and conditioner. To avoid stretch marks, she always has a cocoa butter lotion within reach.

“All this applies to me, doesn’t mean you have to do it. I’m just sharing my ways if you’d like to know,” she wrote. “Do whatever works for you. We all have one goal: a healthy baby.” JB


LOOK: Aubrey Miles a ‘fitspiration’ in maternity shoot, says current pregnancy is her last

Aubrey Miles loves being pregnant at 40, not worried about getting back into shape