‘Spider-Man’ to appear in a total of 6 Marvel movies
Image: Twitter/@SpiderManMovie
It appears that we’ll be seeing more of the teenaged web-swinging Spider-Man in future Marvel movies as actor Tom Holland just revealed how many Marvel movies he’s signed up for.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Holland confirmed that he’s in it for six movies: three Spider-Man solo films and appearances as the web slinger in three other Marvel movies.
So far, he’s already done two, “Captain America: Civil War” and “Spider-Man: Homecoming”.
“They give you options and those could be exercised whenever. Like a cameo in Avengers,” said Holland. “I’m unclear as to which movies though. I do know I have three Spider-Man [appearances in other] movies and three solo movies contracted.”
Holland also mentions that Marvel is respectful of an actor’s other movie roles and will give allowances so that projects would not overlap and shut actors out of other offers.
Fans have been eagerly anticipating “Avengers: Infinity War”, thanks to the hype and build-up that previous Marvel movies have contributed. Fans are also expecting Spider-Man to be in the upcoming 2018 movie, based on the lore of the comic books. However, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has yet to confirm this.
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” is now out on theaters. Alfred Bayle/JB
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