Caulifla going Super Saiyan for the first time. Image: YouTube/LAiBGaming
“Dragon Ball Super” is the latest installment in the seemingly never-ending Dragon Ball anime and manga franchise. But more than just inciting feelings of nostalgia from old fans, it offers some surprising developments such as the appearance of the first two female “Super Saiyans” in the series.
These characters are the Saiyans Caulifla and Kale from Universe 6. Caulifla initially achieved Super Saiyan form in episode 92 with help from the character Cabba. She is then followed by Kale when she transforms into Super Saiyan Berserker form in episode 93. Coincidentally, Kale’s Super Saiyan form resembles Broly, the main antagonist in the movie “Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan.”

Caulifla normal form. Image: YouTube/LAiBGaming

Kale. Image: YouTube/LAiBGaming
Fans have gleefully taken note of this and began referring to Kale as the Legendary Super Saiyan. Some have even compared footage from the old movie with shots from episode 93 of Dragon Ball Super.

Image: Twitter/@dbzksuper
Image: Twitter/@DBBiggestFan
Image: Twitter/@LatinHawkey
The “Dragon Ball” anime series first aired in February 1986 and followed the adventures of a monkey-tailed boy named Goku in his quest to find all seven Dragon Balls, to have a wish granted by the dragon Shenlong. “Dragon Ball Super” is the latest anime added to the franchise and started airing in June 2015 until today.
Super Saiyan form is a transformation assumed by members of the Saiyan race which affords them tremendous amounts of power. Alfred Bayle/JB