LOOK: KathNiel together in Japan for Daniel Padilla’s birthday

After celebrating together for Kathryn Bernardo’s 21st birthday in Palawan, KathNiel flew to Japan, this time for Daniel Padilla’s birthday.

The two were spotted having a great time together for Padilla’s 22nd birthday, as shown in a post from an Instagram fan page dedicated to their love team, under the handle @gotkathniel.

Image: Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla via @gotkathniel’s Instagram post

The two were also caught on video sweetly strolling the streets of Shibuya.

Image: Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla with friends via @gotkathniel’s Instagram post

Bernardo and Padilla have declared that they are exclusively seeing each other, although they have not formally made an announcement about being officially in a relationship. JB


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