Our real home

One day, a sage was approached by a disciple who wanted to discuss a serious matter: The disciple disclosed, “I have a degenerative disease that will make me eventually lose control over my muscles and end up a vegetable. I’ve been a physical fitness instructor my whole life, and have found great joy in teaching others to be fit and healthy. Now that this will be taken away from me, I’ve realized that material achievements have no lasting value.”

The great sage answered, “Many people try to achieve things to make them happy. They find joy in being fit, smart, wealthy and beautiful. Even spiritualists try to achieve a semblance of heaven, where they can enjoy strength, beauty and comfort. All these focus only on one’s satisfaction. By nature, however, they do not truly satisfy the spirit soul.


“In truth, the goal of our existence is to achieve happiness and selflessness. You’re part of the Supreme Being. Happiness comes from being connected with Him in loving devotion, by way of prayer, meditation, chanting the Holy Names and remembering Him as our dearest friend. When your body dies, your connection with him doesn’t vanish!

“Disease, old age and death remind us of the temporary nature of our material bodies. When disease destroys your body, you realize that your physical structure isn’t your permanent shelter—and time will come when you must leave it behind.

“The question is: Where is your real home? When you find it, you will reunite with your Supreme Friend and live under His loving protection, whether you’re in the material world or spiritual dimension!

“He will shower you with love, happiness and protection—and you will experience pure joy and find your true worth! Then, you’ll be fearless when you have to deal with disease, old age and death!”

E-mail pdilotuspond@ gmail.com