Filipino pedicab, jeepney debut in ‘Bourne’ clip
EDSA is the backdrop of this scene in the coming action thriller “Bourne Legacy”—where the lead characters, riding a motorbike, zoom and careen past cars stuck in traffic. VIDEO GRAB FROM YOUTUBE
Making their big debut in a Hollywood action franchise are two very Filipino modes of transport: the pedicab and the jeepney.
The trailer of “The Bourne Legacy” was finally released online on Friday. Unlike an earlier teaser that didn’t include footage shot in the country, this one features several very Filipino scenes—including Edsa traffic and a very tight eskinita, both of which were used to great effect in chase and action sequences. One scene shows a jeepney—with a few stunned commuters inside—spinning out of control.
There’s a shot of Jeremy Renner walking on a tightrope of tangled cable wires as well. Not a few netizens have expressed excitement over the “Legacy” trailer.
Even the uniforms of the security guards and policemen look like the ones we see in these parts. Stars Renner, Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton shot a number of pivotal scenes on the mean streets of Manila and Pasay early this year. The movie opens worldwide in August.