Unsolicited advice | Inquirer Entertainment

Unsolicited advice

/ 10:22 PM May 17, 2013

Goeff Eigenmann

After the good impression that the “real romance” anthology show, “Wagas,” made three weeks ago, its succeeding telecast was a disappointment because it was a relative puff piece on a “celebrity” TV chef’s “unique” love story.

Let’s hope that the promising show chooses better material from here on in, and avoids the “plugging” mentality—that does nobody any good!


‘Performing’ news anchors


We’re glad that viewers are weighing in on “performing” TV new anchors. More people are finally realizing that vocal gimmicks and “stylish” sartorial flair are not what they should look for in the news programs they view—rather, they should value objective and comprehensive coverage of the day’s events, and their significance.

So, erring new anchors, put away your booming “voice boxes” with built-in “reverb,” and focus instead on credible reporting. —And, absolutely no “commentaries,” please!

‘Bugoy’ school of broadcast ‘journalism’

In this connection, we should also reject the currently popular “Bugoy” school of broadcast “journalism.” Its in-your-face proponents are “tough guys” who makes each news item seem overly dramatic, “exciting” and portentous with their exaggerated delivery.

They do this in order to connect better with masa viewers who they think prefer this combative style. —Never mind the “tough” delivery, look for the real substance, guys. And stop trying to pass yourselves off as heroic defenders of the “downtrodden” common man—as if they elected you to that dubious position!

Fat chance


We also note with dismay that too many show biz stars and TV news people are putting on too many unsightly pounds these days. Aside from Sharon Cuneta, Regine Velasquez, Amalia Fuentes, Geoff Eigenmann and Jed Madela, some cohosts on morning TV shows are really piling it on!

Fact is, no hefty star has continued to shine on local TV-film productions, unless they’re plus-plus-sized comedians, so it’s time to lose all that excess avoirdupois, pronto, if you don’t want your hard-won popularity to self-destruct. —Plump but still popular show biz stars? Fat chance.


Seeing double

A rather big promotional to-do is being made over the transfer of Toni Gonzaga’s kid sister, Alex, from TV5 to ABS-CBN. What’s all the fuss and bother about? TV5  tried its best to make Alex a star, but she was too bland and “pushbotton” a performer to take full advantage of the big showcase and golden opportunity that the network gave her. Will ABS-CBN have better luck with her? Here’s hoping, but it all depends on what she’s bringing to the plate this time that’s really new.

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What could that be? For one thing, Alex should stop being her ate’s clone, because Toni has her own blandness and “predictability” issues, too!

TAGS: broadcast journalism, Television

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