Lovi on love, infidelity, FPJ

LOVI Poe gives her all when in love. facebook.com/bench

I remember watching Lovi Poe’s very first TV interview with Paolo Bediones on the defunct “S-Files.” Even then, she had strong screen presence. It’s not easy to step out of the shadow of a famous father like Fernando Poe Jr., but Lovi has come into her own. She proved that being the Action King’s daughter is not her only credential. C’est Lovi!

In line with your movie, “The Bride and the Lover,” what’s your dream wedding? How are you as a lover?

My dream is… a simple garden wedding with a few friends and relatives. (It would be) very personal and intimate, with pictures that would look great in a family album.

As a lover? I wouldn’t really know but when I’m in love, I give my all.

Your groom in the movie has an affair with the bridesmaid. What are your thoughts on infidelity?

I have negative thoughts on infidelity. It’s something I wouldn’t want to experience. I would freak out if I found that my husband was cheating on me.

What would it take for a guy to convince you to settle down?

He should accept me for what I am, and if he can give up everything for our love, then maybe he is the right guy.

What’s a misconception about you that you want to correct?

That I’m maarte or pa-star. I love people—my friends, my fans, my job.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for love?

Leaving everything behind for him, and going against the world just to keep the relationship going.

What do you remember most about your dad?

He always took my side when my mom scolded me. He was my hero.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

A lot.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Watching reruns of old comedy shows that some might consider corny.

What’s the best part of being Lovi Poe?

Reaching out to nice, sincere people.

What’s the hardest part?

I don’t mind losing privacy but sometimes, you hardly have time for yourself.

What is your beauty regimen?

I always work out at Gold’s Gym, especially before a pictorial or a shoot.

If you could travel back in time, what part of your life would you relive and why?

I’d just like to get a chance to say “I love you” to my dad.

What has fame and fortune taught you?

To always keep my feet on the ground.

If your dad were still around, what would you ask him at this point in your life/career?

A lot. I always sought his advice.

If Mary Grace Poe and you could trade places for a day, what do you think she could learn from you and what could you learn from her?

I would love to be like her.

What’s the “FPJ” in you?

Everything about me.