The sun as source of heat and wisdom

Every summer, we feel the sun’s presence and see it as a source of heat. From a deeper perspective, the sun should also remind us of certain truths and gems of wisdom:

The sun shines on everyone, including sinful men, just as the mercy of the Supreme Being shines on every living entity.


Men brag about their achievements and feel superior to everyone. But, they are merely like tiny flashlights lighting up a dark corner, compared to the blazing sun that illuminates vast areas.

The sun is always present, but at night we cannot see it. Similarly, the Supreme Being is always present, but those without vision cannot see Him.

The presence of the sun allows us to see things as they are. The presence of our Supreme Friend  enables us to see who we really are, and what our relationship is with others, the world and the Supreme Person Himself!

The rays of the sun banish the darkness of the night, just as spirituality life removes inauspicious things from one’s life. As darkness is driven away, so are anxieties, fears and unhappiness.


The sun is not polluted by the things that it shines on. Similarly, the Supreme Person and His names are all-pure and all-purifying.

See the sun and remember the Supreme Person, from whom all suns emanate!

E-mail pdilotuspond@