Bianca Manalo to Sen. Win Gatchalian: ‘Your life will be boring without me’

Bianca Manalo to Sen. Win Gatchalian: ‘Your life will be boring without me’. Image: Instagram/@biancamanalo

Sen. Sherwin “Win” Gatchalian and Bianca Manalo. Image: Instagram/@biancamanalo

“Your life will be boring without me,” Bianca Manalo told her longtime partner, Sen. Sherwin “Win” Gatchalian when asked how they manage their relationship despite their busy careers.

On the sidelines of the Preview Ball, Manalo and Gatchalian were asked how they balance their respective careers, all while maintaining the spice in their relationship.

“It’s a healthy balance. I realized that if it’s purely work, it’s stressful 24/7,” said Gatchalian. “[Bianca] knows how to make me feel [relaxed].”

The beauty queen-turned-actress said as soon as she got into a relationship with Gatchalian, she learned how to respect and understand his busy career which extends up to the wee hours of the morning.

“Very serious siya eh. I respect the work time and every time he needs to study his hearings, I respect that. Pinasok ko ‘to eh. Kailangan kong maintindihan from the beginning na [matrabaho] talaga ang [pagiging senador niya]. And hindi lang working hours. It extends until madaling araw, minsan 2 a.m. siya umuuwi,” she said.

(He’s very serious. I respect the work time and every time he needs to study his hearings, I respect that. I entered this. From the beginning, I had to understand that being a senator is a lot of work. And it doesn’t only cover working hours, it extends until the wee hours of the morning. He sometimes comes home at 2 a.m.)

Sen. Win Gatchalian and Bianca Manalo on the Preview Ball 2024 nude carpet. Image: Hannah Mallorca/

Manalo also shared that she makes it a point to ensure that Gatchalian is relaxed after his busy schedule while pointing out that being relaxed doesn’t have to be “boring.”

“Pag-uwi, I make sure na happy and hindi ko siya sine-stress… Importante pa rin to spice up the relationship. Kasi kapag puro yes lang kayo sa isa’t isa, hindi na kayo happy. Boring din,” she said.

(When he comes home, I make sure that he’s happy. I don’t stress him out. It’s important to spice things up in the relationship too. If you keep on saying ‘yes’ to each other, you won’t be happy. It will be boring.)

When asked about the secret to their longstanding romance, Manalo said she and Gatchalian do not pressure each other, while adding they’re both the “old school” type of lovers.

“You just have to enjoy everything, take everything slow. Huwag magmadali. Kasi very old school kaming dalawa kaya our relationship [works],” she said. “Porket lahat engaged, engaged na kami, [hindi gan’un]. Lahat kasi kaming magkapatid, nanggaling sa long-term relationships or going to that another level para sure. Slowly but surely.”

(You have to enjoy everything. Take everything slow. Don’t rush into things. We’re an old-school couple so our relationship works. Just because people are engaged, we must engaged. It shouldn’t be like that. My siblings and I came from long-term relationships, so when we get to the next level, we must be sure. Slowly but surely.)

Does the “next level” include the possibility of finally tying the knot? A smiling Gatchalian said it’s “in the works” without disclosing any further details.

“Papunta na rin. In the works. No timeline para walang pressure (We’re getting there. It’s in the works. I don’t want to impose a timeline so there won’t be any pressure),” he said.

Manalo and Gatchalian have been in a relationship since 2018.