Did Bella Racelis unfollow Joshua Garcia on Instagram?

Joshua Garcia

Bella Racelis and Joshua Garcia. Image: Instagram/@thatsbellayt, @garciajoshuae

Bella Racelis and Joshua Garcia have yet to confirm or deny the rumored romance between them, but fans were sent abuzz again after the vlogger appeared to have unfollowed the actor on Instagram.

Eagle-eyed netizens noticed that Garcia is no longer on Racelis’ Instagram following list as of this writing, Tuesday, April 11.

Joshua Garcia

Image: Instagram/@thatsbellayt

The actor, meanwhile, still follows Racelis on the platform and has liked her recent posts. Both Garcia and Racelis have yet to publicly comment on the matter.

Joshua Garcia

Image: Instagram/@garciajoshuae

Joshua Garcia

Image: Instagram/@thatsbellayt

Image: Instagram/@thatsbellayt

Image: Instagram/@thatsbellayt

Dating speculations have been hounding Garcia and Racelis since August last year after they interacted through the comments section of the vlogger’s Instagram post. Two months after, the two of them were spotted seemingly holding hands while walking in public.

While the actor said in November of the same year that he was single, further romance speculations arose among fans as the pair appeared to have gone on a trip to Japan together with Racelis’ family in December.

Garcia also greeted Racelis on her birthday last February by showing the two of them wearing what appeared to be matching beaded bracelets. EDV


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