Tyronne Escalante: One of the best talent managers in the country
Tyronne Escalante has his newest veteran actor (Polo Ravales) under his management.
In a short time, Tyronne Escalante has established himself as one of the top talent managers in the country. His name value for his proper, careful, and masterful handling of his talents in their showbiz careers is one of the reasons why his talent agency, T.E.A.M., which stands for Tyronne Escalante Artist Management, is becoming the go-to management for new and upcoming artists and even veteran actors wanting to experience a career resurgence. He has already been awarded that recognition a few times, and his overall value has increased exponentially.
I have been doing this since 2010, and I have seen and met all kinds of people in showbiz—a good number of wonderful people, then some I would rather forget, and a few who do not belong in this industry—but then there are a few standout individuals who I know can be beneficial for the industry in the function they serve, and right now and until the unforeseeable future, Tyronne Escalante is one of them who can do that for the talents he has been managing and will manage in the future. I have faith in his abilities as a talent manager. The showbiz industry needs more people like him.
On a related note, the entertainment industry is undergoing long-overdue internal change. Naturally, you have parents who want their children who are aspiring actors to be handled by people who have a moral compass, are decent, and will positively influence them. I sensed that much-needed change started a few years ago with the rise to prominence of talent managers like Tyronne Escalante. Here is a man who has not only a roster of bright-eyed, intelligent, well-bred, optimistic, and good-looking actors, but they all have hopes and dreams as well. As their talent manager, he makes sure he can make them realize their hopes and dreams are feasible under his management. He wants the best for them.
Tyronne Escalante with some of his new talents.
I have gotten to chat and speak with Tyronne Escalante a handful of times over the last few years, especially each time I wanted to or had to interview and feature any of his talents under his management, such as Jane De Leon, Angel Guardian, and Kelvin Miranda, whom I have dubbed as his “Three Aces” for obvious reasons since all three of the actors mentioned above are doing exceptionally well in their respective showbiz careers.
In all honesty, Jane De Leon, Angel Guardian, and Kelvin Miranda would not be experiencing the same success and fame right now if Tyronne Escalante had not been their manager. This is not a case of overpraising but stating a fact based on how things have turned out for all three actors in the years they were discovered, developed, and managed by Tyronne Escalante. I believe they have a “father figure” in Tyronne Escalante, and that has translated well into the positive results of how their careers have become what it is today. The proof is all there.
Trust me when I say that I am a good judge of character. I know if the person is the real deal or not. Tyronne Escalante certainly is!
Tyronne Escalante is the Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) and Founder of Tyronne Escalante Artist Management. T.E.A.M.