Kat Galang, Patricia Coma share some interesting trivia on their personal and professional lives
Image: Regal Entertainment, Inc. and GMA Network
Young comedic genius and protege of Michael V., GMA Network Kapuso actor Sef Cadayona, and popular veteran freelance actress Kat Galang and GMA Network Kapuso actress Patricia Coma are the stars in the newest episode of “Regal Studio Presents” entitled “Me and My House Daddy” today at 4:35 p.m. at GMA Network.
I had the opportunity to interview them a couple of days ago and ask some questions. Their answers below will give their fans and followers some interesting trivia that touch on their personal and professional lives. So, here we go:
What is more important for you in the long run, beauty or skill/s? What will you do to compensate for the absence of the other to become a complete, or more fulfilled and accomplished woman?
Kat Galang: For me, skills are more important than beauty. Beauty can be improved anytime especially if you have the money. You can always have the money if you have the skills. For instance, if you are a good actor, a doctor, or in whatever profession you choose. Do it well and enjoy what you are doing and if you continue improving your skills, you will have the money. Likewise, your career will flourish. And if people see you excel in your profession, your inner beauty will shine through.
Patricia Coma: In the long run, I would like to give more importance to my skills, especially in acting. In the long run, what the people will remember is your skill and competence because beauty is everywhere. And beauty can be enhanced with resources. As you improve your skills, they will serve as stepping stones for you to further your goals.
In your household, who calls the shots, your mother or your father, especially when they have opposing opinions?
Kat Galang: I have my own family now, I have my husband and my daughter. There is no point person in my family. For instance, if I am thinking or deciding on something, I also seek my husband’s opinion and we arrive at a final decision. It is the same way for my husband, he also will ask my advice before finalizing his plan. I think that is the healthy dynamic in a family because both of you should know and be aware of what goes on so that whether your plan succeeds or fails, both of you, the husband and the wife, take common responsibility for it.
Patricia Coma: In our household, it is my father who normally calls the shots. However, my sister and I also ask our mother for her opinion. When there are differing opinions between my parents, we talk to our father to persuade him. We cannot avoid sometimes following my mom, especially in my case because I am a Mother’s girl.
Without mentioning names, can you tell me three defining qualities you are looking for in a presidential candidate that will sway you to vote for that person?
Kat Galang: Number one would be transparency so the people will know what’s truly happening, what have you accomplished, have you adhered to your platforms. Number two is one who is not corrupt so that the funds of the government will be used wisely, especially to help the poor. Number three is one who is humane and always has the people’s total welfare first and foremost in mind.
Patricia Coma: I am only sixteen and cannot vote yet. But I use social media and have heard a lot about the candidates. So, for me, the first quality I would look for is one who is a good listener. One who listens to the people. The second is being reasonable in his actions and decisions in handling the problems of our society. The third is authenticity because the people will be at ease.
Which daredevil stunt will you try if you were paid a fortune: skydiving, walk on a tightrope a hundred feet above the ground, feed a lion in a circus, have a scorpion crawl up your arm, or stand at the edge of a cliff for a photo shoot?
Kat Galang: First, I have to ask how much will I be paid? Because if it is not that big, I will really not do it. But if I will really be paid a fortune that will cover everything I need for me and my family in our entire life, I will of course try it. I think I will select skydiving as long as it is legit skydiving. Because that’s more realistic and has been tried many times. But if there is no payment of a fortune, I will not even dare because daredevil stunts have never appealed to me, anyway.
Patricia Coma: I will choose skydiving too, because I have seen that in videos and sometimes it intrigues me. So, I will try skydiving definitely, especially if I will be paid a fortune.
When you go shopping, to which department do you excitedly go to first: the clothes, shoes, bags, fragrances, or jewelry department? Why is that item so essential for you that you could cry and throw a fit, if you don’t get it?
Kat Galang: I am not a materialistic type of a woman so I will not cry if I can’t get any of that. Especially during this time of the pandemic, we don’t really need any of that. What we only need now is a house, food, and work to pay our bills. Like our clothes, shoes, bags… we haven’t really had the chance to use them much now due to the pandemic. So those material things are non-essentials now. I have realized that now. So, if there is one department I would go to first, it will be the grocery or the supermarket.
Patricia Coma: When I go shopping with my mom, I get excited when we go to the clothes section.
As a teenager, I feel so happy seeing all the dresses on display. But my mom guides me when I go shopping so I do not make irrational decisions by making impulse purchases.
Which time of the day is more inspiring for you: sunrise or sunset?
Kat Galang: I think, sunrise. If I had some problem or I felt a bit down that day, I always look forward to the morning because it gives you new hope each day.
Patricia Coma: Sunrise. But most of the time, I miss that due to work. I like the sunrise because seeing the rays of the sun in the morning is comforting because it is a new day. There’s a new chance; you can make a better day than yesterday. But there are times, I do like the sunset, too, because it can be a comfort to know that the day, if it was difficult, is over and you have completed what you had to do. But I still prefer the sunrise.
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