The end is near: ‘Game of Thrones’ releases final season official trailer
Game of Thrones fans rejoice! HBO just released the much-awaited official trailer for the show’s final season.
The two-minute video started with Arya Stark’s narration while running from an unseen figure: “I know death. He’s got many faces.”
The trailer featured a montage of the surviving characters, including the fan favorite Wildling Tormund Giantsbane, whose status was left unknown from last season until the release of the newest trailer.
The surviving Targaryen dragons Rhaegal and Drogon were shown flying through Winterfell, leaving Sansa and Arya Stark awed.
Meanwhile in King’s Landing, a smiling Cersei was featured while she awaits Euron Greyjoy’s army.
The action-packed, award winning series will air its last season starting April 14 on HBO. JB
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