Experience a different flavor in cooking shows with ‘The Taste’
Image: Pop Life TV
Who doesn’t enjoy the thrill of a cooking show? The enticing sizzle of the pan and the hunger-triggering visuals of different types of cuisine, not to mention the struggle it is of wanting to know what the delicious meals smell like through the screen?
But cooking shows, even in competition format, has become a little bland, hasn’t it? It’s always the same format, a group of chefs are mentored by three or four expert chefs, or maybe it’s one-time challenge with a so-called expert going against a master in the craft.
Pop Life TV has got just the perfect show to rekindle your thrill in cooking shows. Combining the format of “The Voice” and “Master Chef”, “The Taste” focuses on aspiring chefs who will audition and prove themselves worthy to be selected by four judges: Nigella Lawson, Brian Malarkey, Ludo Lefebvre and the late Anthony Bourdain.
With a more focused kind of mentoring by the judges, you can expect episodes to be dramatic, funny and exciting as the contestants battle it out in Team Taste or Solo Taste challenges. Stay tuned to Pop Life TV for the latest episodes of “The Taste”. JB
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