Jodi Sta. Maria imparts life lessons she learned from making pottery

Image: Instagram/@jodistamaria

While the spotlight is a comfortable place to be in for celebrities, nothing beats the comfort of their favorite activities. For Jodi Sta. Maria, she found solace in the art of making pottery.

Sta. Maria took to Instagram to talk about her experience in making ceramics. Uploading photos of herself immersed in the activity, as well as photos of her creations, she outlined the valuable insights she got from the craft.

“I first tried pottery back in 2015 when I did a role for a teleserye,” wrote Sta. Maria yesterday, Oct. 1. “I found the activity relaxing, metaphorical, and very spiritual.”

Because she enjoyed crafting ceramics, she made it a point to attend the pottery classes of her mentor, who eventually became her friend, whenever she has free time. She then listed the life lessons she learned in making pots, starting with staying centered. Crafting pottery requires one to be serene and for her, staying centered help her overcome whatever life throws at her.

Sta. Maria learned how to embrace and appreciate imperfections in creating ceramics — it is okay if something gets broken while in the process of creation. Making pottery also taught her to keep on trying even if she doesn’t succeed at first.

“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes,” she stated. “If you do, don’t be too hard on yourself. Keep on trying. If it doesn’t turn out the way you planned it, it’s okay. Learn from it and aim to be better.”

She stressed the importance of seeking other people’s help in learning new things, citing psychologist Lev Vygotsky’s “Zone of Proximal Development” concept which states the difference between what one can do independently and with guidance. Sta. Maria noted that control and stillness are more important than power and aggression when it comes to crafting pottery.

Of course, seeing as Sta. Maria found the art spiritual, she had a religious realization while doing ceramics: “God shapes us and forms us because He loves us so much. He puts people in our lives to mold us — turning us into vessels fit for His use. Without the potter, the clay will never know its purpose.” JB


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