Food poisoning, missed flight by one minute: Coleen Garcia’s ‘craziest day’ heading to ABS-CBN Ball
Image: Magic Maliwanag via Instagram/@coleen
While Coleen Garcia looked stunning at the recent ABS-CBN Ball, she revealed that she first went through hell and almost did not attend.
The actress and wife of Billy Crawford admitted that she had a bout of food poisoning during her flight from Paris to Bangkok. She made the revelation on Instagram Monday, Oct. 1.
Garcia said the cause was from eating a meal she had during her flight. Because of her food poisoning, she did not have much sleep and kept vomiting.
Her woes did not end there; Garcia struggled not to pass out as she reached Bangkok.
“My vision was a blur, my body felt like it was melting [and] my head was spinning so bad,” she described how she felt. She even had to go to the nearest cubicle to continue throwing up “what was left of my guts.”
Due to her condition, Garcia did not make it to her flight back to Manila by one minute, making her cry out of frustration. She added: “[A]nd those who know me know that I don’t usually cry!”
Luckily, she was able to rebook her flight at no additional cost, but would arrive in Manila at 7 p.m. — when the call time for the ball was 6 p.m. “I still hadn’t fit my gown [and] I had no idea how I was gonna make it in time,” she said.
Garcia was able to rest and recuperate before rushing “like there’s no tomorrow” once she was back in the country. To make matters worse, she learned that one of her bags got left behind.
Nevertheless, she was still thankful she got to the ball in time and felt blessed “to know wonderful people who gladly came through when I needed it most” — such as Lovi Poe who fitted her gown for her, and Kylie Verzosa for offering Garcia to stay in her hotel room.
Husband Billy Crawford too was happy his wife got home to him “safe and sound” from her craziest day ever, which turned out to be a great night.
After what she went through that day, Garcia wrote: “Whatever it is, I’m just happy that I made it to the ball in one piece and] enjoyed the rest of the night with good company.” JB
LOOK: Billy Crawford assures Coleen Garcia ‘more love and protection’ in birthday message