Why no sex scenes in KathNiel movie

Direk Cathy Molina

For “The Hows of Us,” her second film featuring Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla, director Cathy Garcia-Molina said producers made her promise never to delve into the topic of sex.

“I’m proud to say that we’ve made a movie on relationships without the sex. I myself would squirm at the idea of KathNiel doing a scene depicting sex. It wasn’t essential or needed in this story,” Direk Cathy told reporters, adding that she was pleased that Star Cinema (producer) allowed her to tackle “a more mature story.”

She described the movie as “wholesome” because she has kids, too, “so I have to be responsible. I want them to be able to see all my films.”

Her first big-screen project with Kathryn and Daniel (collectively known as KathNiel) was the 2014 romantic comedy “She’s Dating the Gangster.”

Another “order” from the bosses was for her to “come up with something different” for KathNiel.

“The Hows of Us,” according to Direk Cathy, is about “a young couple who dreams of growing old together as they deal with the struggles of a long-term relationship.”

To people who doubt KathNiel’s acting capabilities, she said: “This movie will show how good she (Kathryn) really is. I’m also proud to say that I didn’t direct Daniel in this project. I took off the reins from him and just let him go. He has grown so much.”—MARINEL R. CRUZ