WATCH: UMD dance to ‘Dying Inside’ with Darren Espanto in flash mob
Shoppers were in for a flashback Friday when Darren Espanto entered an atrium and began to sing the 1990s hit “Dying Inside (to Hold You)” by Timmy Thomas.
The 16-year-old sang soulfully as some former members of the all-male dance group Universal Motion Dancers (UMD) joined him. Marco McKinley, James Salas and Jim Salas showed that they still had the moves that catapulted them to fame in the early ’90s.
Jim Salas, Marco McKinley, and James Salas. Image: Instagram/@umd90s
UMD with Darren Espanto. Image: Instagram/@umd90s
UMD’s “Dying Inside” dance routine is one of the group’s iconic performances, as well as the butterfly dance to “Always” by Erasures.
Both Jim and James are now into events production, while McKinley maintains a career in dancing and fitness.
According to its Instagram account @umd90s, UMD has been performing in events even when they aren’t in full force. Other members are Wowie De Guzman, Brian Furlow, Norman Santos, Gerry Oliva and Miggy Eugenio Tanchanco. Member Gerard Fainsan passed away in 1987. JB
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