Sharon Cuneta gets flowers from a ‘secret’ friend

Image: Instagram/@reallysharoncuneta

Megastar Sharon Cuneta expressed extreme happiness over presents she received from a person she became been friends with again “secretly.”

She was gifted a beautiful bouquet of flowers accompanied by special Louis Vuitton notebooks and travel books for her upcoming 52nd birthday on January 6.

She posted the photos of her presents on her Instagram account which carried a lengthy caption.

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“I am happy to have just been blessed to reconnect with after what seemed like forever,” she wrote.

“And the New Year is always a good time to renew ties, or pick up from where you left off, or even just erase all the bad in the past, keep only the good, and start with a clean slate to write a brand new story,” she added.

It’s looks like she has had quite a history with the mystery lady. Hoping for a stronger friendship this time, Cuneta said she won’t reveal the identity of her “secret” friend for now.

“A friendship between showbiz folk is hard to find, and even harder to keep. I hope this time she and I will be stronger. One day, of course you’ll know who it is I write about; the one I am “secretly” friends with now because I guess she and I want to protect this friendship that we hope will have a fair chance of lasting this time,” she wrote.

The renewed friendship is a good start to Cuneta’s 2018. In closing, she gave pieces of advise on how to have a lasting friendship.