YouTube star Wil Dasovich finishes last cycle of chemotherapy

Wil Dasovich powered through his fourth cycle of chemotherapy, his last until tests reveal if the treatment has been effective.

The results of an MRI and PET scan will show if the cancer has been contained.

The Filipino-American YouTuber has been chronicling his cancer journey on his vlog, and despite the difficult situation, has been able to keep videos that are both entertaining and informative.

Much of the positivity comes from his family and friends who have accompanied him through every step, from the diagnosis to chemotherapy sessions. This includes close friend cosplay celebrity Alodia Gosiengfiao.

In this last cycle, an addition to his “cancer squad” is a childhood friend John, an Irish-Filipino from Seattle who gave him a four-leaf clover as a present.

In the comments section, Dasovich’s mom Charry said, “Wil magnets to (sic) good people around him, I have never met one that he brings home and I despise.”

“I have a lot of energy”

A side effect he has experienced is neuropathy, a condition of the nerves that are damaged or diseased. He has become so sensitive to the cold that even touching water gives him a strange sensation.

“Basically, the cold is like electricity. When I first had chemo, I thought it was fun and cool, and now, I hate it,” he shared.

He assured viewers, “I’m doing alright. I have a lot of energy. I feel good.”

Dasovich, 26, has been keeping active during his treatment period, which started in September. In late August, he was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, and has remained optimistic about the outcome. JB


Wil Dasovich diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, receives support from Alodia Gosiengfiao

The power of Wil

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