WATCH: Tom Holland teaches Spider-Man costar Jacob Batalon some ballet moves

Superhero Spider-Man is known for being as quick on his feet as he is with his wit.

Tom Holland’s background in ballet and gymnastics certainly has come in handy for playing the titular character in “Spider-Man: Homecoming”.

Now, he wants to share his skills with his Spidey co-star Fil-Am actor Jacob Batalon and production assistant Harrison Osterfield.

Batalon plays Peter Parker’s high school best friend in the upcoming movie.

Image: Screen grab via Instagram/@tomholland2013

In a South Korean ballet studio, they learn to plié and pirouette—albeit unsuccessfully, according to Holland.

“It’s worse than I thought,” the British actor says. “But they’ll get there eventually.”

Watch the impromptu ballet class here:

Spider lake with the boys 💃🏻📸/ @harryholland64

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While Batalon struggles with his balance, he does manage to get his basic ballet down.

Still, there is no love lost between him and Holland:

@lifeisaloha appreciation post

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“Spider-Man: Homecoming” premieres July 7, 2017 in Philippine cinemas. JB


Fil-Am plays new Spider-Man’s best buddy

Jacob Batalon is Ned Leeds