WATCH: ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ final trailer shows possible spoilers

There’s roughly two weeks left before “War for the Planet of the Apes”, the last movie for the “Planet of the Apes” reboot trilogy, hits Philippine theaters on July 12. However, the latest trailer may have revealed too much of the movie’s plot.

While the main draw of the movie is the open conflict between humans and apes, previous trailers did not show the reason for it. Rather, what’s been made obvious is the animosity that the Colonel, played by Woody Harrelson, has against the apes.

On the other hand, Caesar, performed in motion capture by Ande Serkis (Gollum from “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy), remained steadfast in his declaration that the apes are not savages.

But this latest trailer has made it clear that what changed Caesar’s mind about war is the murder of his family. In a voiceover, Caesar can be heard saying, “They took too much from me. Home, family, and more apes die everyday.”

Add this to hints that humans may be contracting a fatal disease, and one pretty much gets a gist of what “War for the Planet of the Apes” will be all about.

Still, it looks like a great movie to watch on the big screen. There’s also that final showdown between the Colonel and Caesar to look forward to at the end of the film. That scene alone should be worth the admission ticket. JB


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