WATCH: Go on a ‘date’ with Lee Min-ho
Lee Min-ho. Image: stock photo
No need to deny it, girls – if you’re a huge fan, at least once you’ve daydreamed of going on a date with Lee Min Ho. And now, there’s a way to make your dreams come true. Well, almost.
Korean cosmetics brand Innisfree and Korean digital agency PostVisual paired up to create a virtual reality experience called “Someday in Jeju” where you go on a date with Korean heartthrob Lee Min Ho.
The virtual date includes a walk in the beach and and through the landscapes of Jeju, plus a car ride where Lee Min Ho comes in after being chased by paparazzi (this will also be where he asks you, in an annoyed tone, why you aren’t moving the car yet) – all the while having your heart rate monitored as you go on the date.
The VR experience is available at the Innisfree store in Seoul, South Korea. To catch more of your favorite Lee Min-ho and Korean shows, check out Viu through this link. JB
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