New hot Chinese ‘boyband’ has no boys in it

FCC_Acrush main

Image: Instagram/ffc_acrush

Boybands and girlbands have always attracted throngs of fans for their cool and sexy looks. But these days, competition is stiff and there’s so many to choose from. In order to stand out, one group came up with a rather gender bending approach.

Image: Instagram/ffc_acrush

RocketNews24 reports that Chinese company Zhejiang Huati Culture Communication Co. Ltd recently debuted a boyband which has already earned a lot of attention despite not having released a single song yet. It’s because this hot new boyband is actually made up of five androgynous-looking girls.

Image: Instagram/ffc_acrush

The group is called FFC-Acrush and they were introduced at a “husband exhibition.” “Husband” is what female fans call their favorite male pop idols. But instead of this more general term, the group prefers to be addressed as 美少年, pronounced as “meishaonian” in Chinese, which roughly translates to “handsome youth.” The group does this to avoid the use of gendered pronouns. The members are also forbidden from revealing their sexual preferences.

FCC stands for “fantasy football connection.” As part of their gimmick, the company behind the group says that all members will be skilled in football.

Image: Instagram/ffc_acrush

Since their introduction, the group has already amassed over 800,000 fans on the Chinese social networking site Weibo.  They also have an Instagram account.

Until they release their first song, it’s hard to tell how long the group can survive on just looks alone. But in any case, fans can definitely chalk one up for this group in terms of originality. Alfred Bayle/JB