True shelter
More than 500 years ago, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to this planet to teach people how to attain peace and harmony—and shared a wealth of wisdom, love and compassion. His teachings were basic and simple:
In this age of chaos and confusion, people quarrel over the smallest issues.
Disharmony pervades despite our longing for happiness and peace.
Harmony is attained when we realize we’re all part of the Supreme Person. He welcomes even those who deny His existence.
We attain the love of our Best Friend by meditation. By chanting His sacred names, we are relieved of anxiety and distress. He helps pacify our grief-stricken hearts and minds.
We must maintain an attitude of respect, humility and tolerance of others, and avoid pride and arrogance. He is our true shelter and refuge from the pains and anxieties of this material world.