The emperor’s adviser

What is the true character of a man of learning? How does he behave and deal with issues? Here’s the story of a powerful emperor’s great adviser:

Once upon a time, the emperor’s adviser took a trip through the forest, accompanied by an entourage of soldiers and servants. When his convoy stopped to rest, he came upon two young boys who were quarreling.

He asked them, “What is the subject of your intense discussion?” One of them replied, “We were discussing which time during the day the sun is seen at its largest. I said that it’s biggest at sunrise.”

The other lad disagreed, “The sun is biggest at noontime, when it is at its hottest. Tell us, great sir: Who’s correct?”

The crowd fell silent and all eyes were on the emperor’s adviser. He looked at the boys with honesty and humility and said, “I cannot give you an answer now—but, I will study the matter and let you know when I have an answer.”

A true man of learning does not pretend to be all-knowing and omniscient. He admits the things he doesn’t know. He does not lie, cheat or fool people. He’s always eager to learn more—and share his wisdom with others!
