The cold weather makes us yearn for warmth. May the following proverbs clear your mind and warm your hearts:
Better the cold blast of winter than the hot breath of a pursuing elephant.—Chinese proverb
True friendship does not freeze in the winter.—German proverb
One kind word can warm three winter months. —Japanese proverb
It’s never winter in the land of hope. —Russian proverb
You can do nothing about governments and winter.—Slovenian proverb
If you want your children to enjoy a quiet life, let them suffer hunger and a little cold.—Chinese proverb
The lazy sweat when they eat, and complain of the cold when they work.—Finnish proverb
You can live with cold tea and cold rice, but not with cold words.—Chinese proverb
Good words cool more than cold water.—English proverb
Even over cold pudding, a coward will say, “It will burn my mouth!”—Ethiopian proverb
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