Ina Feleo

Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: DongYan in wedding scene as ‘Rewind’ starts filming

September 24, 2023 BY:  Dale Calanog
Celebrities and Showbiz

Ina Feleo honors her dad and acting legend Johnny Delgado on his birthday

March 01, 2022 BY:  Anne Pasajol
Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: Carla Abellana gets ‘wholesome’ bachelorette treat from series co-stars

October 04, 2021 BY:  Dana Cruz
Celebrities and Showbiz

Ina Feleo used to be scared of her own wedding—now she feels like having one every year

December 10, 2020 BY:  Allan Policarpio
Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: Ina Feleo weds Italian partner in art museum

December 03, 2020 BY:  Ian Biong
Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: Ina Feleo visits Venetian fiancé, savors mountain views and cuisine of Italy

September 17, 2019 BY:  Ryan Arcadio
Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: Ina Feleo engaged to Italian BF

July 18, 2019 BY:  Niña V. Guno
Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: Ina Feleo wows with ‘realistic’ 2-month figure transformation

June 26, 2019 BY:  Katrina Hallare
Celebrities and Showbiz

LOOK: Ina Feleo reconnects with nature in Palawan

April 18, 2019 BY:  Katrina Hallare
Celebrities and Showbiz

Ina Feleo on how she lost 2 inches off her waistline in 20 days

October 16, 2018 BY:  Niña V. Guno
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