‘Horror stories’ about child stars and their stage parents

We write a lot about the pitfalls of child stardom on the local show-biz scene, because we’ve heard a lot of unsavory stories about Hollywood tykes gone woefully wrong. Some cautionary “horror stories”:

It’s difficult enough to make it in the biz as an adult, but a movie veteran observes, “For child performers, fame can be a long, grueling ride where the outcome is often unhappy. Driven, ambitious parents seem to be the rule, and this attitude can rub off on the kids.

“They suffer from excessive precociousness, too many financial responsibilities placed on their tiny shoulders as their families’ ‘breadwinners,’ growing up too fast in the near-exclusive company of grown-ups, being unprepared for the pressures of stardom, etc. It’s no wonder that many pint-sized performers end up with drug habits or behind bars.”

Shirley Temple wryly comments, “When a child abruptly quadruples her family’s income, some changes may be expected!” Drew Barrymore recalls the time her dad shouted at her, “Hey, Drew, you want to get me an autograph? How about putting it on the back of a check?”

Parents belatedly achieving their dreams of stardom through their gifted children? It isn’t as unusual as you think—the mothers of Bob Hope, Sally Field, Carol Burnett and Billy Dee Williams were failed starlets, as was the spaced-out mom of Sylvester Stallone.

Elizabeth Taylor’s mother would stand behind the movie camera during shoots and “cue” her lovely and compliant daughter with hand signals, like an animal trainer!

More unnerving and cautionary quotes: Melanie Griffith sadly recalls, “When I was growing up, my mother (Tippy Hedren) was away—or in front of the mirror—a lot.” Tony Curtis: “My mother would beat me up for no reason. She used to slap my face because I was such a good-looking boy!” Peter O’Toole: “I was brought up as a girl for the first 12 years of my life.”

Parental drinking contributed to the traumatic childhood of many stars like Warren Beatty, Cary Grant and Steve McQueen. Sir Alec Guinness’ mother broke into his house to steal some of his possessions to buy booze! Demi Moore’s alcoholic mom posed in the nude for a sleazy men’s magazine. Brooke Shields’ mother got her a Playboy Magazine pictorial when she was only 10 years young!

Thank goodness, some celebrities did have responsible parents and happy childhoods. Steven Spielberg’s mother and father nurtured his storytelling talents, thus priming him for a veritable lifetime of unstinting creativity that has gifted the global film audience with inspired, inspiring entertainment.

But for every happy ending there seem to be two sad and even horrific downers. So, prospective child stars and stage parents, be forewarned!