Drive those mosquitoes away!
As Carissa Cruz Evangelista takes care of her young daughters, she also actively pursues her entrepreneurial activities.
With dengue on the rise, Carissa has set up Aeonyx Marketing Corp., which distributes Buzz Away, an antimosquito patch. Its bracelet provides up to 15 days of protection.
These products use the finest citronella and natural oils, and are available at Ace Hardware and at the children’s section of Rustan’s. E-mail, or call 0917 858-8905.
40th-day mass for Carmen
Meanwhile, former flight attendant, Carmen Laman Miciano, passed away last July 11. She was misdiagnosed with colon cancer.
She was married to a PAL purser and had opted to spend her retirement in Dumaguete. There will be a 40th-day mass at Greenbelt chapel on Aug. 19 at 11:30 a.m.
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