Finding peace

A friend of ours recently received a call that his father had had a cardiac arrest in Australia. So, he rushed to the airport to be at his father’s bedside.

Even if his dad was in a coma, the son spoke loving words of wisdom into his ears. He didn’t break down nor did he ask his father to “stay.” His message was simple: “You can leave your body peacefully. There’s no need to struggle. The Supreme Person will take care of you. Take refuge in Him.”

A few minutes after he arranged for his father to hear the singing of God’s names, the machines were disconnected. The dad heaved a few breaths, then “left”—and found peace. Everyone around him was appeased by his son’s message of love and affection.

The son was aware of some basic principles in life: We are limited beings—on our own, we cannot provide lasting security for anyone. God’s sacred names offer real protection. Give your loved ones the gift of wisdom and spiritual love!