Achieving self-realization
Some people think that achieving self-realization is difficult. People connect it with renouncing family and friends, living in isolation, meditating for hours on end, going to India or the Himalayas to an ashram, sitting in lotus position and keeping the mind blank, wearing austere clothing, performing yoga asana for long periods, pursuing mystical powers, and discussing “heavy” philosophical ideas.
In reality, self-realization is very natural for the soul. It means understanding one’s nature and identity. Among the things that are connected with real self-realizations: Knowing that we’re not the material body, mind or false ego; appreciating that we are the life force within a physical frame; seeing that we’re part of the Supreme and that we are, by nature, His servants; accepting that serving Him is our natural function, and having faith that the Supreme Person is a dear friend who loves us unconditionally!
Spiritual life
Who can achieve self-realization? Let me quote a mother, “I have seven children. I take care of them and introduce them to spiritual life. I offer my work as a mother to God. I know that I am God’s servant, His spiritual spark and parcel—and that makes me happy!”
Self-realization brings life to the soul. Fortunate are the people who are aware of who they are, because they will attain peace, happiness and eternal life!