More words of wisdom

Sages like Chanakya Pandit lay out the truth in a simple yet enlightening manner. More gems from him:

Avoid a person who talks sweetly to you but ruins you behind your back.

Do not put your trust in a bad companion, because if he gets angry with you, he may bring your secrets to light.

Wise men should bring up their sons in a moral way, because children who have knowledge of spirituality become their family’s glory.

Parents who do not educate their sons are their children’s enemies, for as a crane is among swans, so are ignorant sons in a public assembly.

In this world, whose family is without blemish? Who is free from illness and grief, and who is forever happy?

A fool is a two-legged beast. Like an unseen thorn, he pierces the heart with his sharp words.

Men can be endowed with beauty and youth or born from noble families—but, without education, they’re like a palasa flower devoid of sweet fragrance.

The beauty of a woman lies in her unalloyed devotion to her husband, and a spiritualist’s in his ability to forgive.

Winning pair