TRANSCRIPT: Miss Grand International 2024 Top 5 finalists in Q&A segment

TRANSCRIPT: Miss Grand International 2024 Top 5 finalists in Q&A portion

(From left) Miss Grand International 2024 fourth runner-up Talita Hartmann from Brazil, Miss Grand International 2024 first runner-up CJ Opiaza from the Philippines, Miss Grand International 2024 Rachel Gupta from India, Miss Grand International 2024 second runner-up Thae Su Nyeim from Myanmar and Miss Grand International 2024 third runner-up Safietou Kabengele from France. Image: screengrab from YouTube/GrandTV

The Miss Grand International crowned Rachel Gupta of India as the 2024 titleholder and four more queens including Philippines’ CJ Opiaza as runners-up, after the delegates took on with grace and wit the question-and-answer portion.

For those who missed it, here’s the transcript of the new queens’ answers to the question: “What do you think is the most critical issue in the world today that needs to be resolved, and what solutions do you propose?”

Miss Grand International 2024 Rachel Gupta (India)

“I believe the most critical issue the world is facing today is poverty due to overpopulation and lack of resources. Simply put, there isn’t enough for everybody on this planet. I think it’s time for world leaders to take accountability and to start promoting the idea of enough resources for everybody. We can do this by promoting birth control methods in the different countries. I come from a country India, where not everybody has access to food, water, education and basic amenities, and this is true for most of the world. It’s time for us to stop fighting with each other and start respecting one other, and making sure there are enough resources for everyone on this planet.”

Miss Grand International 2024 first runner-up CJ Opiaza (Philippines)

“The most pressing issue that we have today is of course the presence of civil war and violence. We can see all around [the] media that there are people dying, people suffering; you can see the kids crying, their dreams are being shattered; how our differences makes us divided. I collect you all as you leave this place today to bring much more kindness, respect, and treat one another as human. We live in the same world, we breathe the same air, we are living in the same place. Treat one another as your brothers and sisters.”

Miss Grand International 2024 second runner-up Thae Su Nyein (Myanmar)

“The most critical issue that we are facing on this Earth today is overuse of plastic, which can damage to our climate change. Because our world started to happen a short time, day by day, and we should take care of ourselves. We overuse the plastic all around the world. If we reduce, renew, recycle, and use more paper, then we can live longer on this Earth. Love your Mother Earth.”

Miss Grand International third runner-up Safiétou Kabengele (France)

“I’m thinking about media because I think media doesn’t focus on the right subject. If us, as a voice, show to the world what happen, people can be aware of events, war and weaknesses of our planet. So as a voice, I think it should be great to talk about this event that media don’t talk about and…thank you.”

Miss Grand International fourth runner-up Talita Hartmann (Brazil)

“I believe the problem in this world is still the education. With education we can change lives. We can grow better. We have promote more scholarships. We have to promote—we have to help our kids to understand other language. I believe education is the key to a better world for a better solutions for everyone.”