Catriona Gray admits being anxious after London robbery incident

Catriona Gray admits being anxious after London robbery incident. Image: Instagram/@catriona_gray

Catriona Gray. Image: Instagram/@catriona_gray

Weeks after losing her belongings to robbers in London, Catriona Gray admitted feeling a “newfound tension” whenever she goes out and reminded her followers to bring their important belongings with them at all times.

Gray took to her Instagram page on Sunday, Sept. 15, to look back at the incident, saying she’s more anxious with her “surroundings and belongings” since then.

“Since coming back since the robbery incident, I have a [newfound] tension when I step outside, a new anxiousness with my surroundings and belongings. But I just wanna share some of the things I learned, hopefully, to spare anyone else the same experience,” she said.

READ: Catriona Gray robbed in London, loses passport and belongings

The Miss Universe 2018 titleholder also shared the lessons she learned from the robbery, noting that her family’s safety is the “most important thing.” She also advised her fans to not give full trust in paid parking facilities in London.

“Things are just things and things can be replaced. Family and their safety is the most important thing. Don’t place your trust in any paid parking facilities in London City — may they boast CCTV, security, etc,” she said.

“Even in the middle of the day for a few hours. We made this mistake and wish we hadn’t. Always take your passports and important medications with you,” Gray further added.

Despite the incident, Gray said she’s thankful for the supportive messages and to those who helped her in taking care of travel-related arrangements.

“At first I felt that the robbery and the stress that ensued blotted out the joy and happy memories from the special homecoming trip of my dad. But I decided I [wouldn’t] let the thieves steal that too. Stay safe everyone,” she added.

Last month, Gray revealed that she and her family were robbed while they were having lunch in London. They lost their passports and important belongings to the incident. She likewise shared that the window of their vehicle was broken.