Say his name three times and he will appear; ‘Beetlejuice’ is on his way back to cinemas

Say his name three times and he will appear; 'Beetlejuice' is on his way back to cinemas

Image: Warner Bros.

“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is all the evidence that anyone will need that time has not dulled the senses of director Tim Burton, the creative mind behind the original film and its sequel. In a million years, I never thought a sequel would happen. I had long forgotten about the movie, with only faint memories stored in my mind, except for the cartoon I watched while growing up. I wouldn’t have remembered that there was a Beetlejuice cartoon, let alone a movie. Sometimes, as a child, it’s easy to confuse the two. However, watching the official movie trailer for “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” helped me unlock dormant memories of the strange, undead but cool cartoonish character from my childhood in the ’90s. Reviving or creating a sequel to long-lost or forgotten properties in a different decade, regardless of current industry trends, is impressive because it goes against the grain. The fact that Beetlejuice returned 36 years after its original release is truly remarkable. Indeed, this one feels like a movie everyone with a good imagination can enjoy and reminisce about seeing the first movie long ago. The best part about “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is that it has maintained its childlike wonder. Even as I have grown older, I have always viewed Beetlejuice as the guide to his world, the underworld, the afterlife, and its inhabitants. You can call Beetlejuice your tour guide if you wish.

All the credit goes to Hollywood icons Michael Keaton and Tim Burton because without them there would be no Beetlejuice or the first two Batman movies. Whether or not most people agree with what I am about to say, the creative decisions made both behind and in front of the camera have greatly benefited the course of filmmaking in the long run. This has particularly helped young and upcoming directors and actors who have a strong sense of imagination, do not conform to standards, are intent on blazing their paths and doing things their way, and are willing to gamble it all. The opinions of others will not hinder their progress or career-changing moves.

It is widely known that both Michael Keaton and Tim Burton have strong viewpoints, a deep understanding of the history of movies, and a desire to bring out the best in anything they are involved with. How glorious it must be for any movie studio to have a director and actor cut from the same cloth of creativity, the one-two-punch combo that any movie needs to succeed creatively.

This bizarre ghost is as unorthodox as they come, and in 2024, he is far more different than anyone could imagine or comprehend. Above all, he is an original creation from the twistedly genius mind of Tim Burton, brought to life by the talent of Michael Keaton, who portrayed Beetlejuice in the late ’80s.

Beetlejuice is Michael Keaton and vice versa. They are practically attached at the hip because no one can imagine anyone else portraying this from the underworld, whose mere existence is to scare potential buyers of the house he is trapped in. He is as creepy, sleazy, and questionable as they come! haha… This reminds me that Michael Keaton is grossly underrated as a character actor. When he portrayed Beetlejuice, everything from his speech, mannerisms, body language, and dialogue style was so out there from how Michael Keaton typically depicts characters in his previous and current movies. So when you combine that with his classic Beetlejuice pinstripe suit, hair and make-up as the one and only Beetlejuice, how can it not as a child capture your imagination? The only two other Michael Keaton movies I watched growing up on VHS were “Gung Ho,” which involved cars, and the Tim Burton-directed Batman movies. So, imagine going from portraying Batman, then a determined car salesman to a demented hilarious zombie from the underworld. That is one of the greatest examples of the range in an actor. This was the mix of magnificently portrayed onscreen characters that introduced me to the artistry of Michael Keaton, whose movies I had watched at an early age, and Beetlejuice is my second favorite onscreen character he has ever played in his career.

I am not surprised by the bit of unwarranted “controversy” stirred by “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” as technically it should not have existed due to the strict control over movies that do not conform to the rules of the “woke” movement. However, you cannot stop Hollywood icons who honed their skills in the industry before these ridiculous changes began affecting the way movies are made. For me, there is no greater example of that than “Beetlejuice” – a central character whose existence does not conform to the subtle, yet sensible, unwritten rules of the ’80s and who surely will not give in to conformity today. This is important because lately, many new movies are structured almost identically. If this cycle is not broken, one can expect to mostly watch the same kind of movies, either super violent or disturbingly horrific, with little variation, unless you consider super cheesy romance movies and animated films which is nothing wrong if that is your cup of tea but, I am more of a coffee or energy drink type of moviegoer, as I have never enjoyed blandness and sub-par movies that are intentionally dumbed down to appeal to everyone because if that is the case where is the growth for the moviegoers. This is where “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” stands out because it is different, yes, as simple as being “different” matters and serves as a reminder of the excellent quality of movies from the past. These movies have sincerity, aiming to entertain without resorting to mindless, senseless, and valueless entertainment.

I am eagerly anticipating “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” because the sequel is a genuine continuation rather than just a rehash, redo, or remake or something that is going to get lost in the mix among the upcoming movies because this one was a sequel that no one thought would happen besides of course, the people in charge of it being produced. “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is a direct continuation of the events in the first movie, with returning onscreen characters such as The Deetz, portrayed by Winona Ryder as “Lydia Deetz” and Catherine O’Hara as “Delia Deetz.” Additionally, the upcoming film includes one of the most popular and in-demand young actresses, Jenna Ortega, as the daughter of Winona Ryder’s onscreen character “Lydia Deetz” as “Astrid Deetz.”

“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is sure to be a surprisingly undead entertaining movie experience for those unaware of who Beetlejuice is; for almost everyone else, it is sure to be a box office hit. Yes, you can be sure that I recommend watching this movie that brings a property from the past into the modern era in all its weird, creepy, and pioneering imaginative glory.