Ice Seguerra moved by stepdaughter Amara’s Father’s Day tribute

Ice Seguerra moved by stepdaughter Amara's Father’s Day tribute

Amara, Ice Seguerra and Liza Diño. Image: Instagram/@lizadino

Ice Seguerra was moved after Amara, the daughter of his wife Liza Diño, expressed her admiration for him in her Father’s Day tribute, saying the singer-songwriter was an inspiration.

Seguerra shared Amara’s message through his Instagram page on Monday, June 17.

“Thank you for always being there for me. Oh my gosh, I love you so much,” her message began. “I know it’s really hard for you and mom to see me grow up and everything from 1000 miles away (and I’m lowkey going insane without you guys to hold my hand) but I’m still you guys’ little shadow ninja (whatever) all the time.”

“Through heartbreaks and school pressures and moving transitions, I couldn’t do it without calling you at 2 a.m. and sobbing my heart out like ‘Dad, I can’t do it na,'” she continued. “You’re always there for me with reassuring advice and a shoulder to lean on and I couldn’t be more grateful for you.”

Amara went on to describe Seguerra as a “solid presence,” saying she knows he only wants the best for her.

She also regarded Seguerra as her “favorite person to joke around with and be super sarcastic with,” and hoped that they would never lose such a rapport.

“I’m so proud of you and your own achievements too, and you’re such an inspiration because you always wanna provide and make mom and me happy,” she stated. “I love [you so] much even if you stink!”

Amara is Diño’s daughter from her previous relationship, and who is currently based in the United States for her studies. She returned to the Philippines last March to celebrate her 16th birthday.

Meanwhile, Seguerra and Diño tied the knot in California in December 2014.