Albie Casiño defends Nikko Natividad over ‘It’s Showtime’ brouhaha

(Albie Casiño defends Nikko Natividad over “It’s Showtime” brouhaha

(left) Albie Casiño and Nikko Natividad | Images: Instagram/@thestallion09, @nikkonatividad

Albie Casiño stood by fellow actor Nikko Natividad who is facing backlash for voicing his opinion on “It’s Showtime” and its handling of  the viral “beso” issue.

Casiño took to Instagram to say that he salutes Natividad for his courage to share his opinion, and that it’s unfair that people want him to lose his job for doing that.

“Saludo ako sayo brother [Natividad],” he wrote on his Instagram story. “Wala naman mali sa sinabi ni Nikko, lahat naman may sariling opinion and we all [have] the right to voice that.”

“Ang mahirap is gusto niyo mawalan ng trabaho ang taong nagsusuporta ng pamilya dahil lang sa opinion niya,” added Casiño. 

Image: Instagram/@thestallion09

Natividad found himself on the hot seat after he gave his two cents on the “kissing” incident involving their contestants in the “It’s Showtime” segment “EXpecially For You.”

The former “Pinoy Big Brother” housemate sided with the contestants, saying “he knows what it feels like to be humiliated on television,” after the “It’s Showtime” hosts called out searchee Axel for “attempting” to kiss searcher Christine.

After his initial statement drew flak, Natividad wrote another post to say that “he doesn’t regret” standing up for the contestants regardless of the people’s petition to remove him from his on-going projects, affirming that he’s also only “trying to help make the situation better.”

Amid facing netizens’s crucifixion, Natividad’s partner, Cielo Mae Eusebio, also came to his defense, saying that it is not their responsibility to explain to the people why her partner has to take down his post regarding the issue.

“Sumosobra naman kayo sa mga pinagsasabi niyo pati pinapakain sa pamilya namin pinapakialaman niyo,” she lamented. “Wala ako kailangan ipaliwanag sayo kung sino samin ang sinunod para delete at bakit. Kung ayaw mo sa tao malaya ka na iblock kami.”

Image: Instagram