Ian Veneracion not comfortable showing skin on screen

Ian Veneracion | Image: Instagram/@ianveneracion1

Ian Veneracion | Image: Instagram/@ianveneracion1

Ian Veneracion shared that he feels “uncomfortable” showing some skin on screen despite being in the industry for many years now.

“I am super not comfortable with showing skin, like taking my shirt off. I am really not comfortable,” he said in a guest appearance on “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda” on Friday, June 7.

When asked if he had experience receiving any indecent proposal, the actor-singer asserted he hasn’t, but that if ever that comes, he would politely reject it.

“Directly, no. Hindi diretso. Mga pahapyaw siguro, pero directly wala. Kung sakali man, I would appreciate the honesty. I would say, ‘Thank you for being straightforward, but no.’ Kumbaga, I’m not selling that service,” he remarked.

Now almost 50, Veneraction is grateful for his longevity in show biz, which has led him to have options about whether to turn down a project or not.

“I’m very fortunate to be in the position that I can say no, not because I have that much,” he said. “And I’m able to say, ‘No, I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to do this.’

The seasoned actor remarked that he has become selective with the things in his life—friends, material things, among others.

“Hindi magastos na lifestyle,” he shared, “and finding the beauty of the mundane and simple things. I made that my mantra.”

In a past interview with Esquire, the “A Love to Last” actor remarked that some insecurities are also a way for someone to improve themselves.

“Some insecurities are healthy because they drive you to improve. If you’re insecure about your tummy, it makes you want to work out and be better. So I embrace everything—the things I’m confident about and the things I’m insecure about,” he said at the time.

Meanwhile, Veneracion recently made headlines after the fun and unique interactions he had with fans, for instance, by carrying them in an acrobatic way.

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