Aktor PH slams FAMAS for ‘lapse in management’ over Eva Darren snub

Aktor PH slams FAMAS for 'lapse in management' over Eva Darren snub

Aktor PH shows solidarity to Eva Darren after FAMAS snub | Images: Facebook, Fernardo de la Pena/Actor, league of Filipino actors

Aktor PH, a league of Filipino actors whose president and CEO is singer-actress Agot Isidro and whose board of directors include Dingdong Dantes and Iza Calzado, expressed their support for Eva Darren after she got snubbed at FAMAS 2024.

In a statement, the local organization expressed their disappointment at how FAMAS neglected Darren during the awarding ceremony, saying such gatherings should “acknowledge the talents and artistry of each member.”

“It is ironic that the event last Sunday, which was supposed to honor the iconic pillars of the country, was marred by an unfortunate incident that happened to one of our respected and beloved peers during a celebration with industry members at one of the oldest award-giving bodies. We are deeply saddened by the seeming lapse in the management of the program,” they wrote.

The league further asserted that they “aspire to revive the genuine essence of these events and bring back the glory of these gatherings by recognizing the excellence and embracing every individual without fear of exclusion and discrimination.”

“Now, more than ever, it is crucial to safeguard and honor the Filipino film industry, restoring both respect and authenticity to its events,” said the collective group of actors.

“AKTOR, the League of Filipino Actors, extends its warmest support and solidarity to Ms. Eva Darren,” concluded the statement.

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Aside from AKTOR PH, celebrities including Rita Avila and Cedrick Juan also expressed their support for the seasoned actress, given the disappointing treatment she received from the awarding body.

Darren made headlines after his son, Fernardo de la Pena, penned a lengthy statement on Facebook detailing the disheartening experience his 77-year-old mother went through after she was promised to be one of the presenters at this year’s FAMAS awards, only to not be called on stage.

FAMAS released an apology afterwards, saying they could not locate the veteran actress, who was sitting in the front alongside fellow veterans Marissa Delgado and Divina Valencia, when it was time for her to go on stage.

Darren’s family released another statement to say “they are accepting the olive branch, aka apology,” that FAMAS was extending and reminded the local organization “to stick to the script and wear eyeglasses to see their presenters.”

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