Lovi Poe on motherhood, dealing with negative comments

Lovi Poe on motherhood, dealing with negative comments


Of all the roles she could play, actress Lovi Poe considers being a mother the most difficult.

“It’s the most challenging ever,” said Lovi, who tied the knot with her British beau in August 2023. “I’m such a perfectionist when it comes to the characters I play, what more in real life? If there’s one thing I would like to do perfectly, it’s to be a good mother. When that time comes—if God blesses me with that opportunity—I just want to be a great mother.”

Lovi feels lucky to have people to look up to. “My mom is one of them,” she said of former commercial model and actress Rowena Moran. “I was raised by a single mother. I hope I can be as good as her, or as good as my personal assistant and road manager. They’re such great mothers, and they get to take care of me, as well.”

For this to happen, Lovi has to “shorten the distance” between her and her US-based husband, Monty Blencowe, she said. “He will still have to fly here to be with me first. I want to be able to spend more time with my husband since we’re always apart. To be honest, I still have so many projects lined up, but if it (having a baby) happens, it happens. I will welcome it completely. It’s going to be a blessing. Right now, I’m still enjoying this time of my life,” Lovi told Inquirer Entertainment during the recent renewal of her endorsement contract with the skin care company SCD.

At 35, Lovi said she is aware that her work as an actress is not something permanent. This is why, especially now that she is about to build her own family, she has put up her own film outfit called C’est Lovi Productions and is working on her first full-length feature.


Happy place

“That’s one reason I ventured into producing, so that I could still be part of the industry even though I’m no longer acting,” she pointed out. “Here’s the truth, I love acting so much. When I’m on the set, I could probably say that I’m at my happiest when I’m acting. I don’t think I will be able to let it go just like that. I would still like to continue as long as people will have me, and as long as I can still act. This is why creating projects for other people is one of the things that I would really want to do. So, of course, when I see talented and hardworking people, I would definitely love to put them in movies that I will be doing with my husband.”

Principal photography begins next month, reported Lovi. “The moment we are able to complete the cast, we will have all of them fly here,” she added. “There’s also discussion for a next project. I cannot divulge anything about it yet, except that it will be directed by Jerrold Tarog. I will also be shooting an action movie with director Richard Somes. I’m already so excited for that.”

Achieving a work-life balance is the hardest thing for Lovi, she admitted. “I love my job. My husband knows this. I’ve been working since I was 15. It’s something that he said he can no longer change about me. I’m very grateful that he is supportive.”


Supportive spouse

At the time of this interview, Lovi said she hadn’t been with her husband for six weeks already. “It’s not the typical setup for most people, but we’re making it work. I’m just grateful that he is very understanding and is supportive of my goals. I would like to do the same for him, so I try to find the perfect balance. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but I’m happy where I am at. I’m happy being home here in the Philippines.

“The truth is that I have three different homes (one each in Manila, Los Angeles and London). I may be doing projects abroad, but it’s special here. I love the food, the people I am with, and the fact that I can speak Tagalog freely. We make sure to find time for each other. We’re always on FaceTime.”

While Monty is based in Los Angeles, Lovi said she honestly doesn’t know where she’s based. “I’d like to say that since I’m here (in Manila) a lot… but really, I’ll be wherever work takes me.”

Asked to recall her early years as an actress, Lovi confessed to receiving a lot of discouraging comments on her weight and the color of her skin. “I was told that I was never going to make it because I was dark-skinned, because I’m flat-chested. I was 15 when I was told that I was never going to make it because I’m chubby. Of course, I felt affected, but I promised myself I would do my best as an actress, and that things would come through eventually.”


Not always confident

To young girls, who may be struggling with insecurities, Lovi has this advice: “Don’t let yourself feel down. Stay positive and just work to become your best.”

She continued: “It’s not everyday that I feel confident. Sometimes, you really have to pick yourself up and keep yourself motivated. It’s important to surround yourself with good people and always have a positive outlook in life.

“You won’t always feel beautiful, but you have control over what you do to yourself. You feed yourself with positive words in your mind and nourish yourself with positivity. Just remember that everyone is beautiful in his or her own way. What makes you different is what’s going to make you shine.”